Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hammer and Chisel Meal Plan - Week 2

Week 2 of Hammer and Chisel started this week!!  This program is unlike anything I have ever done and I know it's going to change me.  It's tough and so challenging but that is exactly that I am looking for!

Did you know that the Hammer and Chisel meal plan follows the same color coded portion control containers as the 21-Day Fix?  So I did not even have to drastically change up my meal plan from my previous weeks...ok, except to cut the wine.  Eek.  I can do it!!

My online accountability group is kicking butt and taking names and we are having fun!  The form to enroll or even just to find out more is at the very bottom of this post.  If you don't already have a coach and you'd like to join or chat about your goals for 2016, fill it out and I'll be in touch!

Here is the meal plan I am following this week.  Each color represents a different color coded portion control container.

{Click the picture to download or print this meal plan} 
I am following the 1800-2099 calorie bracket.  I am on the sculpt and maintain plan and am not eating at a deficit.  You will need to figure out the bracket that is right for you.  And if you are not already actively working with a Beachbody coach and you need help getting started, simply create a FREE Beachbody account with me as your coach HERE

Here are a couple of the recipes from this week: 

Balsamic Vinaigrette

6 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey or pure maple syrup
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
6 tablespoons olive oil

Combine vinegar, lemon juice and honey in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.  Stir in mustard; mix well.  Slowly add oil while whisking; mix well.

~ Other Beachbody News ~ 

Upcoming Challenge Groups and Sales:

I have 21-Day Fix Challenge Groups starting every Monday in January and we are kicking off a BIG one starting today!  Who's in??  (No coaches please)  

~ Pick from the 21DF or Extreme
~ Drink Shakeology every day
~ Me as your COACH! 

And FREE GOODIES -- a FREE Shakeology shaker cup plus something extra from me but you have to act fast and email me at or fill out the form below to join...

Or use these links to purchase now! 


"The most comprehensive resistance training program Beachbody has put out to date" -- Autumn Calabrese, about The Master's Hammer and Chisel 

My exclusive TEST group starts today, 1/4/16 where we will all be doing this innovative new workout together for the first time.  We will focus on agility, strength training and power lifting and it's for both men and women who are SERIOUSLY looking to take their fitness up a few notches in 2016.  It's totally not too late to join...we have people starting from now until February 1st! 

Email me at or fill out the form below and let's chat about your goals for the next year! (No coaches please) 

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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FREE eCookbook!


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I'm a super busy mom of 3 and a Beachbody coach. Follow along as I try to find a balance between eating good food and keeping my family healthy and happy! We eat mostly clean with a few fun treats thrown in every once in awhile. Thanks for stopping by!

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