Thursday, February 26, 2015

Strawberry Banana Baked Oatmeal

OMG - possibly my newest favorite breakfast.  Dare I say even better than the Blueberry and Almond Baked Oatmeal I posted a few weeks ago??

The strawberries and bananas go together so well - and that touch of chocolate is amazing.  The almonds add crunch and just overall, I'm pretty obsessed with this dish.  And honestly, isn't it gorgeous?  So pretty to take to a brunch.

I typically have to double this.  The last time I made it, I did not and I think between my kids and I, we ate the entire thing.  There was one measly little piece saved for my husband.  It was pretty much gone before he even knew I had made it!

It's incredible served warm with a drizzle of maple syrup.  But I've also eaten it straight out of the fridge, no plate, just a fork, me and this dish.  Told you I was a bit obsessed...

Serves 8-10

Strawberry Banana Baked Oatmeal 

2 cups old fashion oats
1/3 cup coconut sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup almonds, chopped
1 cup fresh strawberries
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
2 cups milk
1 egg
1/3 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 banana, sliced

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Spray an 8 x 8-inch baking pan (or pie dish) with non-stick cooking spray and set aside.

In a large bowl, mix the oats, coconut sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, half of the almonds, half of the chocolate chips and half of the strawberries.

In another bowl, mix the milk, egg, honey and vanilla extract.  Add the oat mixture to the baking dish and pour the milk mixture over the whole thing.  Add the remaining almonds, chocolate chips and strawberries in a single layer on top.  Top with the sliced banana.  Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the milk has set.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Insanity Max:30 Meal Plan: February 23, 2015

Last week was suppose to be week 3 of my husband and I following the Nutrition to the Max (21-Day Fix) meal plans, but in all honesty, it was NOT a good week!  My body was tired and I only worked out 3 out of my 6 days.  I was in a funk - and with that came eating everything in sight!  But, it happens.  I may be a Beachbody coach, but I'm still human!  I actually woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle this week.  I'm calling last week a wash and redoing month 2, week 2 of Insanity Max:30.

Here is this week's Nutrition to the Max food plan, but you can also use this if you are following the 21-Day Fix.  Each color represents a different food, or a different color coded container.

{Click the picture to download or print this meal plan} 

I also realized that I might not be getting enough calories, which is why my body sort of shut down last week.  I bumped up to the 1800-2099 calorie bracket and today I felt so much better!!  I'm following the maintenance plan which means I'm maintaining my weight.  I didn't lose weight in the lower bracket, but I have a feeling this is going to be so much better for me.  I need all the energy I can get to keep up with 2 preschoolers and my 10 month old who still nurses!! 

My husband is still out of commission with a bum shoulder (not a fitness injury, just one of those fluke times when he was lifting a box and seriously tweaked something).  He still continues to lose weight by following this plan and drinking Shakeology daily.  We CANNOT live without our Shakeology!!  

Here are a couple of the recipes from this week: 

Creamy Herb Dressing

1 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups plain nonfat Greek yogurt
4 tablespoons cilantro (or tarragon, mint, dill, etc)
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 dash of ground pepper
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice and salt and pepper in a blender and blend until smooth.  Continue blending and slowly add the olive oil.  Store in the fridge, tightly covered until ready to use. 

The 21-Day Fix/Nutrition to the Max meal plans are amazing.  If you are interested in learning more about the 21-Day Fix workouts (Extreme or original), Insanity Max:30 or even Shakeology, be sure to fill out the form below.  I am holding a March Madness challenge group for the 21-Day Fix and the 21-Day Fix Extreme.  

The original 21-Day Fix and the Extreme are SUPER on sale this month - only $10 when you purchase a month's supply of Shakeology!  And you'll get me as your coach for support through the entire program.  Order your challenge packs NOW or fill out the form to get more info!

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Peanut Butter & Honey Energy Bites

I was in the mood to bake the other day - specifically because I needed something sweet.  I don't always have a lot of time to make cookies or muffins, but these were so quick and easy that I know I'll be able to make them any time my sweet tooth hits.

These reminded me of the nougat part of a candy bar.  They are ridiculously yummy!  The chia seeds and chocolate chips are optional, and if you leave them out, add a bit more oats.  But I would highly recommend both!  

After I rolled them, I immediately put them in the freezer and actually kept them in there.  You can keep them in the fridge too, but they will be very soft and sticky.  Best to keep them in the freezer and let sit for a minute to soften before eating.  Also, this should make about 18 - and if I had stopped myself from eating this by the spoonful as I making them, I probably would have had more to share later, haha!  
Makes approximately 18 bites

Peanut Butter & Honey Energy Bites

2/3 cup natural peanut butter
2/3 cup honey
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips (optional)

Microwave the peanut butter for about 20 seconds (if necessary) until melted.  Stir in the honey, oats, chia seeds and mini chocolate chips.  Place in the fridge for about 2 hours to firm up.  Scoop out about 2 tablespoons of the mixture (I used a small cookie scoop), roll into a ball and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.  Store covered in fridge or freezer.  

Friday, February 20, 2015

Loaded Apple "Nachos"

So much fun to make these!!  The kids love them - they usually think they are pretty special when I put this out for a snack.

The thing is that although it looks fancy, it's one of the easiest things in the world to make!  Slice up the apples, arrange them as pretty as you like and drizzle or sprinkle on your toppings.    

Any nut butter would do, or any type of nut.  You can use semi-sweet chocolate chips, raisins, dried cranberries...make them with whatever toppings you and your littles one love!

Serves 4
Loaded Apple "Nachos"

2 apples, sliced
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 tablespoon shredded unsweetened coconut
1 tablespoon chopped almonds
1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips
drizzle of honey

Slice the apples and arrange on plate.  Microwave the peanut butter for 15-20 seconds or until melty.  Drizzle on top of the apples.  Sprinkle with remaining ingredients and top with a drizzle of honey.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are part of my weekly meal prep every week, no exceptions.  I mean, why wouldn't they be?  They take about 5 minutes of prep for almost a week's worth of breakfast! 

These are my newest obsession.  One of my favorite flavor combinations - peanut butter and banana.  SO GOOD!!  I do not add any sweetener to these.  You can add a honey or agave when you first make them.  Or try them warmed up with a drizzle of pure maple syrup.  I think the bananas, peanut butter and vanilla make these sweet enough already.  

The great thing about overnight oats is that they keep you full!  Especially with all of these ingredients.  Are you following the 21-Day Fix?  Each serving is 1.5 yellow, 1 purple, .5 orange, and 3 teaspoons.  

 Serves 4

Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats

2 cups old fashion oats
2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup natural creamy peanut butter
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1-2 teaspoons honey or agave (optional)
2 bananas (used the day you are eating the oats)

In a medium bowl, combine all the ingredients except for the bananas.  Ladle 4 equal servings into mason jars or other airtight containers.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.  Warm in the microwave for 45 seconds to a minute, then top with 1/2 a banana, sliced, on each serving.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Insanity Max:30 Meal Plan: February 16, 2015

I am about to start month 2, week 2 of Insanity Max:30, and boy is it tough!!  But I am getting stronger and building muscle which is exactly what I am looking for.  This is my third week of following the Nutrition to the Max food plan, but you can also use this if you are following the 21-Day Fix!  Each color represents a different food, or a different color coded container.      

{Click the picture to download or print this meal plan}    

Still feeling bloat, sleeping great and I have a ton of energy!  I did have a couple of cheats last week (ice cream and Chinese food) but I will stay on track this week.  My husband has lost a total of 6 pounds since we starting following the Nutrition to the Max (21-Day Fix) meal plan.  He also hasn't exercised for about a week because he hurt his shoulder - just goes to show you that weight loss really is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise! 

Here are a couple of the recipes from this week: 

Creamy Herb Dressing

1 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups plain nonfat Greek yogurt
4 tablespoons cilantro (or tarragon, mint, dill, etc)
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 dash of ground pepper
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice and salt and pepper in a blender and blend until smooth.  Continue blending and slowly add the olive oil.  Store in the fridge, tightly covered until ready to use. 

The 21-Day Fix/Nutrition to the Max meal plans are amazing.  If you are interested in learning more about the 21-Day Fix workouts (Extreme or original), Insanity Max:30 or even Shakeology, be sure to fill out the form below.  We are holding an EXCLUSIVE test group on February 23rd for the 21-Day Fix Extreme that just launched the beginning of the month.  

The original 21-Day Fix and the Extreme are SUPER on sale this month - only $10 when you purchase a month's supply of Shakeology!  And you'll get me as your coach for support through the entire program.  Order your challenge packs NOW or fill out the form to get more info!


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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The 21-Day Fix Extreme is HERE!!

It's Fixuary! Yes, you heard me right! This month we are celebrating the fact that the original 21-Day Fix and the Extreme (just launched!) are on sale for an amazing price...just $10 when you purchase Shakeology!

Which of these programs is right for you?? Let me help you figure that out! 
And who is the 21DF Extreme for? It's for my 21DF graduates, for my friends that have done other more difficult workouts such as P90x3, Insanity Max:30, T25, or those that have been working out at a gym for some time and need a change. Maybe you've hit a plateau, maybe you want variation, MAYBE you have already come far but want serious DEFINITION in 21 days, maybe you need a bit of extra help with nutrition???
Because of the popularity of these programs, we have Challenge Groups that launch every week - our next ones being the 16th and 23rd. This includes the EXCLUSIVE TEST group for the Extreme. You will be among the first to be doing this program and I will be there to support you the entire way.  If you are interested, fill out this very quick form and I'll be in touch!!

{Keep reading below for more information on the 21-Day Fix Extreme}

What is the 21-Day Fix Extreme?
Extreme Fitness. Simple Eating. Serious Results
When you absolutely, positively need to get lean and defined in the shortest time possible...the 21-Day Fix Extreme is the way to do.  
The workouts are short but extreme.  The eating plan is simple, but no cheats.  It's a serious 21 days, but you can do anything for 21 days right?  If you stick with it, you'll walk away with serious results.

What is included in the 21-Day Fix Extreme?
6 extreme workouts on 2 DVDs ~ 
Autumn has seriously ramped up the calorie-scorching, muscle carving intensity with these 30-minute extreme workouts.  They feature a wide variety of steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves designed to give you a lean six-pack, cut arms, ripped shoulder and toned legs in only 21-days! 
1. Plyo Fix Extreme - an explosive lower-body workout that uses jumping and resistance to torch calories and sculpt muscles.
2.  Upper Fix Extreme - by alternating opposing muscle groups, this no-rest upper-body workout will help shred your chest, back, shoulders and arms.
3.  Pilates Fix Extreme - using a resistance band for every exercise, this intense mat workout works the entire body, placing emphasis on the core.  
4.  Lower Fix Extreme - glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves will get stronger, leaner and more defined with challenging resistance work. 
5. Cardio Fix Extreme - combining weighted cardio moves with traditional metabolic training intervals keeps your heart rate soaring.
6.  Yoga Fix Extreme - a fast-paced flow yoga class, combining strength, balance, flexibility and power. 

Simple Eating - portion control + clean food ~
Take all the guesswork out of what to eat and how much.  These seven color-coded containers and Shakeology shaker cup deliver exactly the right portions every time.  And you'll be eating clean!  No cheats, treats or excuses.  It's not easy, but after 21 days, you're going to look and feel amazing. 
Green - veggies
Purple - fruits
Red - proteins
Yellow - carbs
Blue - healthy fats
2 Orange - seeds, nuts and dressings

Plus, FREE bonus gifts ~ 
21-day Fix Extreme Eating Plan, the Countdown to Competition Plan and the Dirty 30 Extreme Workout

So...are you in??  I've made it can either click the links below to order your challenge packs NOW or fill out the form if you are undecided about which program is right for you.  I'll be in touch and help you get started!  Don't miss getting either of these programs for only $10 when you purchase a month of Shakeology!  Offer good through the end of February ONLY.   

Crock Pot White Chicken Chili

I love my Crock Pot.  I love easy!!  And this recipe is about as easy as it gets.  It's filling and delicious and freezes really well too.

I used Northern beans and the original recipe calls for you to mash one can of the beans before cooking (it was not originally a Crock Pot recipe).  That would definitely make it a bit thicker - if you try it, let me know what you think!  We really liked it just as is, but it was a bit more soupy rather than like a stew or chili.    

We topped ours with a dollop of Greek yogurt and cilantro and another squeeze of lime.  I love the freshness factor that cilantro adds to dishes - I know some people can't stand it, but I can't get enough of it!

Serves 4-6

Crock Pot White Chicken Chili

4 3/4 cup chicken stock (I use homemade)
1 tablespoon diced jalapeno
1 cup minced onion
2 cans white beans, drained and rinsed
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
ground pepper
juice of one lime
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts

In a large Crock Pot, add all of the ingredients, except for the chicken, and stir to combine.  Place the chicken breasts on top.  Turn on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours.  When done, remove chicken, shred and return back to the pot.  Stir to combine everything.  Serve with sour cream or Greek yogurt, diced red onion, cilantro or your favorite chili toppings.

(Source: adapted from Patrick and Gina Neely)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Insanity Max:30 Meal Plan: February 9th, 2015

My husband and I are about to start Month 2 of Insanity Max:30, but this is only our second week of following the Nutrition to the Max plan.  You can also use this if you are following the 21-Day Fix!  Each color represents a different food, or a different color coded container.      

{Click the picture to download or print this meal plan}    

Last week was an experiment in portion control for me.  I followed the maintenance plan, meaning I calculated my number of calories so I would not lose any weight.  I was skeptical!  It appeared to be way less food than I was used to eating!  And it really was.  But what I realized was that I was fueling my body with all the good stuff it needs - more fruits, veggies, proteins and limiting my carbs and healthy fats so I ended up with MORE energy.  I wasn't bloated at ALL and I slept like a baby all week.  Even my husband agreed (and was a really good sport about trying this with me!!).  He is trying to lose weight, which he did, and told me every morning when he woke up how great he felt.  

Here are a couple of the recipes from this week: 

Creamy Herb Dressing

1 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups plain nonfat Greek yogurt
4 tablespoons cilantro (or tarragon, mint, dill, etc)
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 dash of ground pepper
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice and salt and pepper in a blender and blend until smooth.  Continue blending and slowly add the olive oil.  Store in the fridge, tightly covered until ready to use. 

Southwestern Seasoning

1 tablespoon chili powder
2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon sea salt

Mix and store and use as needed!

It's hard for me to believe we just completed the first 30 days of Max:30.  I was seeing results, especially in my shoulders, arms and calves, but I still wasn't getting the definition I wanted in my core - I want abs!!  And seriously, one week of really dialing it in, eating with the Nutrition to the Max meal plan and learning proper portion control - I can already see major changes and definition starting to happen.  

The 21-Day Fix/Nutrition to the Max meal plans are amazing.  If you are interested in learning more about the 21-Day Fix workouts (Extreme or original), Insanity Max:30 or even Shakeology, be sure to fill out the form below.  We are holding two EXCLUSIVE test groups for the 21-Day Fix Extreme that just launched on February 2nd - one on February 16th and one on the 23rd.  Are you game???  


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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Double Chocolate Chip Muffins

I was recently contacted by Chobani to participate in their #MadeWithChobani project.  How fun!  Their Greek yogurt has become a staple in our house and I can't tell you the number of dips, baked goods, dinners, sauces, etc. I've made with it.  But for this, I wanted something special, something decadent.

How about some double chocolate muffins??  Cocoa powder plus dark chocolate chips make up the two chocolate parts of these.  They are a healthy-but-you-honestly-wouldn't-know-it-if-I-didn't-tell-you muffin.  Seriously.  You could make these, slather on some icing (probably using Greek yogurt again!) and call them a cupcake.  Decadent is absolutely a word I would describe these.   

I did half of the chocolate chips in the batter, then sprinkled the other half on top.  You can see that made them sink down in the middle a bit.  If that bothers you, you can put all them in the batter.  But before you decide, let me tell you what happens - the little bites of chocolate chips on top get all melty and it's almost like biting into a truffle.  Mind made up??  Thought so...  

The first time I made these, it made exactly 12, but the next time it made 16!  So if you don't overfill the muffin cups (3/4 of the way full is good) then you get a little more out of this batter.  

 Makes 14-16 muffins 

Double Chocolate Chip Muffins

1 1/2 cups white whole wheat flour
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup Chobani nonfat Greek yogurt
1/2 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips, divided in half

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a 12-cup and a 6-cup muffin tin with liners or spray with non-stick cooking spray.  In a large bowl of a stand mixer, add the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  Stir to combine.  Add all of the wet ingredients and stir to combine.  Stir in 1/4 cup of the dark chocolate chips by hand.  Scoop the batter into the muffin cups (I use an ice cream scoop to do this!) and fill 3/4 of the way full.  Bake the muffins for 15-20 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.  Check at 12 minutes and top with remaining chocolate chips if the tops have firmed up slightly.  If not, check again at 15 minutes, then sprinkle the chocolate chips.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Insanity Max:30 Meal Plan: February 2, 2015

This week is a LOT different than the meal plan that I posted last week.  Today I'm starting the Insanity Max:30 Nutrition to the Max plan!  It is essentially the 21-Day Fix meal plan, which is why different foods are in different colors.  There are a couple of reasons I'm doing this...first one being that I am a Beachbody coach and have not done the 21-Day Fix yet!  I think it's about time - especially with the 21-Day Fix Extreme launching TODAY.    

{Click the picture to download or print this meal plan}    
Honestly though one of the main reasons is that even though yes, we eat very healthy, I know we overeat, even on "healthier" foods.  It was an eye-opener to see that on this plan, you are allowed 1 healthy fat a day.  A 1/4 of an avocado is considered ONE healthy fat.  I was eating like 2 avocados a day!  I am fit and I workout and I drink my Shakeology every day, but lately I've just been feeling bloated.  I have a feeling my heaping portions of whole wheat spaghetti and brown rice are the this week is an experiment in portion control for me.  I'll report back when I post next week's meal plan!

Here are a couple of the recipes from this week: 

Creamy Herb Dressing

1 medium avocado
1 1/2 cups plain nonfat Greek yogurt
4 tablespoons cilantro (or tarragon, mint, dill, etc)
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 dash of ground pepper
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice and salt and pepper in a blender and blend until smooth.  Continue blending and slowly add the olive oil.  Store in the fridge, tightly covered until ready to use. 

Southwestern Seasoning

1 tablespoon chili powder
2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon sea salt

Mix and store and use as needed!

Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes (omit the bananas if following this plan)

Sweet Potato, Black Bean and Turkey Chili (I used 2 chicken breasts in place of the turkey)

Since I am not trying to lose weight at this point, I am on the maintenance plan.  In the Nutrition to the Max book, it will tell me when I should think about adding foods.  If I feel like I'm starting to lose weight (or that my energy is lacking) then I will follow the step-by-step guide of what to add in the proper order.  Pretty cool and fool proof.  They designed these plans to make it easy and manageable!

The 21-Day Fix is an amazing program.  Not only does it teach you how to eat correctly for life with it's portion control containers, but it has this great mix of workouts designed to keep you motivated and not bored!  Be sure to fill out the form below if you are looking for more information on the original 21DF, the Extreme or Insanity Max:30!


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